Lailla Gomes

Lailla Gomes

Lailla Gomes is a skilled professional with 11.1 years of experience in various Microsoft Office applications. She is currently working as an assistente de recursos humanos at SOLVI in Brazil. Lailla has previously worked at Metodo Engenharia and Getronics, gaining valuable experience in civil engineering and legal departments. She also has experience as an intern at Universidade de Estado and as a Tecnica De Engenharia Civil. Lailla's expertise and diverse work experience make her a valuable asset in the field of human resources. .Read More
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Método Engenharia


Somos uma empresa de negócios ligados a engenharia que inspira pessoas através de projetos que integram experiência e modernidade. Em cada canto do país deixamos a marca de um trabalho cujo melhor adjetivo é a Excelência, não apenas pelos projetos em si, mas pelo impacto em vidas transformadas por ambientes e soluções relevantes. Isso só se tornou possível pelo foco na inovação constante, incluindo em nosso modelo de negócio. Nosso time faz diferente, faz melhor, faz por quem confia em nós. Este é o método que encontramos para o sucesso dos nossos clientes e dos nossos projetos

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Professional Background of Lailla Gomes

- Streamlined administrative processes, improving efficiency and productivity for the entire organization.

- Promoted the company's positive reputation through strategic marketing strategies and market analysis.

- Provided exceptional technical support ensuring seamless operations and customer satisfaction.

- Coordinated seamless coordination between civil engineering teams for smooth project delivery and timely completion.

- Streamlined administrative processes, improving efficiency and supporting seamless coordination for a successful organizational environment.

- Contributed highly successful projects, gaining valuable industry experience and gaining practical experience.

- Successfully completed numerous construction projects on time and within budget, exceeding client expectations.

Skills of Lailla Gomes

Work Experience of Lailla Gomes

Education Experience of Lailla Gomes

Uninove - Universidade Nove de Julho

Uninove - Universidade Nove de Julho

Anhanguera Educacional

Anhanguera Educacional

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