Ohan Arakelian

Ohan Arakelian

Ohan Arakelian is an operational excellence professional with 10.9 years of experience in construction management. He is skilled in continuous improvement, event management, and IT management. Based in the United States, Ohan is known for his results-oriented approach and dedication to creating value for his clients. He is a trusted business and IT advisor, focusing on developing agility, identifying strengths, and growth opportunities. Ohan is also an expert in building communities and large-scale event management. He is currently board chair at UC Berkeley and cultural communities, and is always eager to learn from experts across various fields. .Read More
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Cal Alumni Association | UC Berkeley


The Cal Alumni Association (CAA) provides all Cal graduates with rewarding connections to the University, to fellow alumni, and to current students. Founded by the original graduates of the University of California in 1872, the Cal Alumni Association today represents nearly half a million alumni living throughout the world. Join the official Alumni Association group on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/grp/home?gid=70245

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Professional Background of Ohan Arakelian

- Implementing standardized financial estimation and operations methods to optimize construction planning and production processes.

- Designing and implementing innovative products to optimize productivity and streamline operational processes.

- Developed and launched a successful chapter, establishing it as a leader in the industry.

- Streamlined sales operations and implemented a automated system for improved efficiency and profitability.

Skills of Ohan Arakelian

Work Experience of Ohan Arakelian

Education Experience of Ohan Arakelian

Santa Barbara High School

Santa Barbara High School

University of California, Berkeley

University of California, Berkeley

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