Terrance Mcabee

Terrance Mcabee

Terrance McAbee is a highly experienced professional with 14.8 years of work experience. She possesses a diverse skill set including public speaking, social media, management, leadership, customer service, event planning, strategic planning, research, nonprofit organizations, and public relations. Currently, she serves as the Director of Marketing at Homeless Emergency Project in Palm Harbor, Florida. Throughout her career, Terrance has held various leadership positions, including President and CEO of the Homeless Empowerment Program in Clearwater, Florida. She has a strong background in non-profit organizations and consumer services, catering to individuals who want to learn technical skills, minority groups, and individuals living with hepatitis. .Read More
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Homeless Empowerment Program


Homeless Empowerment Program - Helping People Help Themselves (HEP) is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization founded in 1986 to meet the immediate needs of a growing number of homeless individuals and families in Pinellas County, Florida. Since individuals and families were not effectively served through traditional shelter practices, the agency has sought to develop a more comprehensive approach to service delivery. Our continuum of care approach is holistic, addressing the physical, mental, and social conditions of the individual or family, while housing them over an extended period of time. Recognizing that homelessness is often only a symptom of much larger problems, HEP has developed a comprehensive list of supportive services offered to our residents. Support services provided by HEP and its community partners include intensive one-on-one case management, mental and medical health care, substance abuse treatment, dental care, education, transportation, meals and nutrition, job skills training, access to public benefits, legal aid, veterans assistance, and employment assistance. Moreover, with the establishment of the HEP Learning Center, a licensed child care center providing after school and summer enrichment services, HEP endeavors to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low self-esteem. OUR MISSION To provide homeless and very low-income individuals and families, including veterans, with housing, food, clothing and support services necessary to obtain self-sufficiency and improved quality of life. OUR VISION While serving our local community, HEP will be recognized as a national model of excellence providing comprehensive solutions to homelessness for individuals, families and veterans in our community. OUR VALUES Integrity Cooperation Accountability Respect Empathy (I CARE)

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Professional Background of Terrance Mcabee

- Expanding the nonprofit's reach and fostering a grassroots movement to address the needs of vulnerable populations.

- Implementing strategic initiatives, achieving sustainable development, and driving strategic growth across the organization.

Skills of Terrance Mcabee

Work Experience of Terrance Mcabee

Education Experience of Terrance Mcabee

University of Florida

University of Florida

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